Build Options

General processing options use E-mc functionality with squared-express.


These examples are only relevant to the chrome framework.

Example usage

squared.saveAs("", {
  productionRelease: true, // Ignore local URL rewriting and use actual path
  productionRelease: "/path/to/wwwroot/", // Move assets outside base directory to server root directory
  productionIncremental: true, // Use cached data when processing transformed files

  preserveCrossOrigin: true, // Ignore locally integrating assets hosted on other domains
  preserveCrossOrigin: { // URLData
    hostname: "",
    pathname: "/repositories"

  useOriginalHtmlPage: false, // Use browser validated in memory static page DOM for build
  useOriginalHtmlPage: "textarea|code", // Ignore tags causing parsing errors

  useUnsafeReplace: "html", // Use when there are no element tags inside comments and <script>
  useUnsafeReplace: "css", // Use when there are no comments or block delimiters inside property values (e.g. "{" "}")
  useUnsafeReplace: true, // Alias for ["html", "css"]

  stripCommentsAndCDATA: true, // Remove unused code and non-void tags from HTML
  stripCommentsAndCDATA: "script|picture", // Additional tags to remove using RegExp group notation

  /* Use when there are parsing errors */
  normalizeHtmlOutput: true, // Escape illegal tags and remove unnecessary trailing spaces
  normalizeHtmlOutput: "?%", // Tags to ignore using RegExp negated characters when escaping (e.g. <?php ?> | <%= ejs %>)

  escapeReservedCharacters: true, // Escape reserved characters inside attributes (e.g. "<")
  ignoreServerCodeBlocks: ["<%", "%>", "<?php", ";", "<?php", "?>"], // May produce better results with dynamic content (<% %> | <?php ; | <?php ?>)

  removeInlineStyles: false, // Strip style="" attribute from all elements (useOriginalHtmlPage=false)
  removeUnusedClasses: false, // Selectors without :pseudo-class
  removeUnusedPseudoClasses: false, // Selectors with :pseudo-class (lowercase only)
  removeUnusedVariables: false, // --custom-variables
  removeUnusedFontFace: false, // @font-face
  removeUnusedKeyframes: false, // @keyframes
  removeUnusedMedia: false, // @media
  removeUnusedSupports: false, // @supports
  removeUnusedContainer: false, // @container
  removeUnusedScope: false, // @scope

  /* Styles which are still being used */
  retainUsedStyles: {
    "selectors": [], // Same without separators
    "variables": [],
    "pseudoClass": false, // Will keep "li a:hover" + "li a:visited" when "li a" is a used selector
    "@font-face": [],
    "@keyframes": [],
    "@media": [],
    "@supports": [],
    "@container": [],
    "@scope": []
  /* OR */
  retainUsedStyles: [
    /* CSS selectors (string | RegExp) */,
    /* CSS variables (string prefixed with '--') */,
    /* CSS @font-face (string enclosed within '|font-face:Times New Roman|') */,
    /* CSS @keyframes (string enclosed within '|keyframes:animationName|') */,
    /* CSS @media (string enclosed within '|media:only screen and (min-width: 800px)|') */,
    /* CSS @supports (string enclosed within '|supports:(display: grid)|') */,
    /* CSS @container (string enclosed within '|container:(min-width: 800px)|') */,
    /* CSS @scope (string enclosed within '|scope:selector-start|') */

  imports: {
    "http://localhost:3000/build/": "./build", // Starts with "http"
    "http://localhost:3000/dist/chrome.framework.js": "/path/project/build/framework/chrome/src/main.js" // Full file path


Import maps [1] are supported from a file system perspective.

Example “saveAs”

The entire page can be transformed as a group with the same functionality as JSON (yaml) configuration except where highlighted.

squared.copyTo("/path/to/target", {
  saveAs: {
    html: { filename: "index.html", process: ["beautify"], attributes: { lang: "en" } },
    script: {
      pathname: "../js",
      filename: "bundle.js", // Only for first bundle
      process: ["es5", "es5-minify"],
      ignoring: ["text/template"], // MIME types
      inlineAction: false // script + link + image
    link: {
      pathname: "css"
      filename: "bundle.css",
      inline: true,
      preserve: true,
      attributes: { rel: "stylesheet", media: "all" },
      inlineAction: true, // merge + override
      inlineAction: "merge", // { "media": "screen" } -> { "rel": "stylesheet", "media": "screen" }
      inlineAction: "override" // { "rel": "alternate" } -> { "rel": "alternate" }
    image: {
      attributes: { loading: "lazy", width: "detect", height: "detect" },
      commands: ["webp(480x300)"], // Only valid for binary images
      process: ["minify-svg"] // Only valid for text based images (e.g. SVG)
    font: {
      pathname: "fonts",
      compress: "woff2", // truetype | opentype | woff | woff2
      blob: false, // Save base64 as file
      blob: "fonts/blob", // Overrides pathname for blob only
      inline: false, // Write file as data:font/ttf;base64
      customize: (uri, mimeType, command) => { // script | link | image | font
        if (mimeType === "font/ttf") {
          command.blob = true; // Does not alter font object
          return "filename.ttf";
        return ""; // Do not alter filename
        /* OR */
        return null; // Ignore file


inlineAction applies to the entire data-chrome-* namespace except data-chrome-file and data-chrome-template.

Example cloud storage

squared.saveAs("", {
  config: "http://localhost:3000/chrome/bundle.yml",
  saveAs: {
    html: {
      cloudStorage: [{ // Create static website
        service: "aws-v3",
        bucket: "nodejs-001",
        credential: {
          credentials: {
            accessKeyId: "**********", // Only access key logins are supported with v3
            secretAccessKey: "**********",
            sessionToken: ""
          region: "us-west-2"
        upload: {
          active: true,
          endpoint: "", // Optional
          overwrite: true
    image: { // Non-element images using url() method
      cloudStorage: [{
        service: "aws",
        bucket: "nodejs-001",
        settings: "main",
        upload: {
          active: true


Use “endpoint” when your uploaded files are not used by other buckets or web pages.

Example remote configuration

squared.saveAs("", { config: { uri: "http://hostname/chrome/bundle.txt", mimeType: "text/yaml" } }); // "mimeType" is optional
/* OR */
squared.saveAs("", { config: "http://hostname/chrome/bundle.yml" }); // Detect by file extension (default is "json")
http://hostname/pathname/example.html -to- http://hostname/pathname/example.html.json
squared.saveAs("", { config: { mimeType: "json" } });
/* OR */
squared.saveAs("", { config: "json" }); // json | yaml


JSON5 [2] and TOML [3] file formats are also supported.

Example incremental

Build time during development can be optimized at the global and asset level.

squared.saveAs("", {
  incremental: false, // Cache is not used (explicit)
  incremental: "none", // Will rebuild all assets and use available cache
  incremental: "staging", // Same as "none" but does not use cache (archive)
  incremental: "etag", // Will use current file found only if the ETag is still the same
  incremental: "exists", // Will always use current file if found at destination

  incrementalMap: {
    pathname: {
      "images/": "exists", // Not recursive
      "js/**": "etag" // Glob is supported
    extension: {
      js: "etag",
      mjs: false
    mime: {
      "image/png": "exists", // First match will quit search
      "image/*": "etag"
    overwrite: false // Only when undefined

Using sqd.config

The base folder level configuration file is a hash map of URL globs which can match multiple items. Given these two configurations:


The hash key **/example*\\.html will only match either 1 and 2 or 3 and 4.

  "111-111-111": [{ "selector": "html", "type": "html" }], // Key

  "/project/example.html*": { // Glob
    "ordinal": 1,
    "useOriginalHtmlPage": true
    "elements": [{
      "selector": "html",
      "type": "html",
      "attributes": { "lang": "en" }
  "/project/example.html?id=1": {
    "ordinal": 2,
    "elements": [{
      "selector": "html",
      "type": "html",
      "hash": "sha256",
      "attributes": { "lang": "ja", "class": "main" },
      "mergeType": "none", // lang=en
      "mergeType": "under", // hash=sha256,lang=en
      "mergeType": "preserve", // hash=sha256,lang=en,class=main
      "mergeType": "over" // hash=sha256,lang=ja,class=main

  "example.html?id=1": [{ "selector": "html", "type": "html" }], // "elements"
  "example.html": [{ "selector": "html", "type": "html" }], // Does not match "?id=1"

  "**/*\\.html*": [{ "selector": "html", "type": "html" }], // Glob
  "**/*\\.html\\?id=1": [{ "selector": "html", "type": "html" }] // Ignored without "ordinal" or "inherit"


Escaping RegExp special characters (e.g. `-|{}()[]^$+*?.) is required except when using key match.

Example usage

The order of precedence when using inherit is resolved through the asset command property mergeType.

First glob match
squared.copyTo("/path/output", { config: true }); // inherit is "false"
Globs are concatenated
squared.saveAs("/path/output", {
  config: {
    uri: true,
    inherit: true, // Duplicate selectors are replaced
    inherit: "append" // Resolve duplicates with "mergeType"
Hash key
squared.copyTo("/path/output", {
  config: {
    uri: true,
    key: "111-111-111"


The filename sqd.config is configurable using settings.outputConfigName.


Added in version 5.2.0:

  • DocumentOutput property removeUnusedScope was created.