

import type { CommandOptions } from "@redis/client/dist/lib/command-options";
import type { ClientCommandOptions } from "@redis/client/dist/lib/client";
import type { RedisClientOptions } from "@redis/client";
import type { CreateOptions } from "@redis/search/dist/commands/CREATE"; // Internal
import type { AggregateOptions, RediSearchSchema, SearchOptions } from "redis";

interface RedisDataSource extends DbDataSource {
    source: "redis";

    uri: string; // redis://<username>:<password>@hostname:6379
    username?: string; // redis://hostname:6379
    password?: string;
    credential?: string | ServerAuth;
    database?: number;

    format?: "HASH" | "JSON" | "HKEYS" | "HVALS"; // Default is "HASH"
    key?: string | Buffer | (string | Buffer)[];
    field?: string | Buffer;
    path?: string; // JSONPath

    search?: {
        index: string; // Preexisting schema
        schema?: RediSearchSchema; // Temporary schema
        schema?: string; // + users/username/?
        query: string;
        options?: CreateOptions;
    aggregate?: {/* Same */};

    options?: {
        client?: RedisClientOptions;
        command?: RedisCommandOptions;
        get?: PlainObject;
        search?: SearchOptions;
        aggregate?: AggregateOptions;

    update?: RedisSetValue | RedisSetValue[] | RedisJSONValue | RedisJSONValue[]; // @pi-r/redis/types
    update?: {
        format: "JSON";
        key: string;
        value: unknown | unknown[]; //

        command?: "DEL" | "FORGET" | "MERGE" | "MSET" | "NUMINCRBY" | "NUMMULTBY" | "SET" | "STRAPPEND"; // Default is "SET"

        command?: "ARRAPPEND" | "ARRINDEX" | "ARRINSERT" | "ARRPOP" | "ARRTRIM";
        start?: number;
        stop?: number;
        index?: number;

type RedisCredential = ServerAuth;


import type { RedisClientOptions } from "redis";

interface PoolConfig { // using isolationPoolOptions
    min?: number; // min
    max?: number; // max
    idle?: number; // idleTimeoutMillis
    queue_max?: number; // maxWaitingClients
    queue_idle?: number; // softIdleTimeoutMillis
    timeout?: number; // acquireTimeoutMillis


  "redis": {
    "main": {
      "protocol": "", // Default is "redis:"
      "hostname": "", // Default is "localhost"
      "port": "", // Default is "6379"
      "username": "",
      "password": "",
      "database": 0 // SELECT index (number > 0)
  "dataSource": {
    "uri": "redis://localhost:6379",
    "username": "**********",
    "password": "**********",
    /* OR */
    "uri": "redis://<username>:<password>@localhost:6379/<database>",
    /* OR */
    "credential": "main",
    /* OR */
    "credential": {
      "protocol": "redis:",
      "server": "localhost:6379",
      "username": "**********",
      "password": "**********",
      "database": 1

Example usage

  "selector": "img",
  "type": "attribute",
  "dataSource": {
    "source": "redis",
    "credential": {/* Authentication */},

    "key": "demo:1",
    /* OR */
    "search": {
      "schema": {
        "name": {
          "type": "TEXT", // SchemaFieldTypes.TEXT
          "sortable": true
        "state": "TAG", // SchemaFieldTypes.TAG
        "age": "NUMERIC" // SchemaFieldTypes.NUMERIC
      /* OR */
      "schema": "./path/to/data.json", // yaml + json5 + toml + xml + cjs

      "query": "@state:{CA}",
      "options": {
        "ON": "HASH", // JSON
        "PREFIX": "noderedis:demo"

    /* Result: { "item_src": "redis.png", "item_alt": "Redis" } */
    "value": {
      "src": "item_src",
      "alt": "item_alt"

    "usePool": true,
    "options": {
      "client": {
        "isolationPoolOptions": {
          "min": 0,
          "max": 10


Search will only return the value object with the id field appended as __id__.