
interface AssetCommand {
    selector: string;

    saveAs?: string; // js | css | image
    exportAs?: string; // js | css
    saveTo?: string; // image | video | audio (transforms are given auto-generated filename)
    pathname?: string; // alias for "saveTo"
    filename?: string; // pathname + filename = "saveAs"

    process?: string[]; // html | js | css
    commands?: string[]; // image
    tasks?: string[];
    cloudStorage?: CloudService[];

    inline?: boolean; // js | css | image (base64) | font (base64)
    blob?: boolean; // format: base64
    preserve?: boolean; // html | css | append/js (cross-origin) | append/css (cross-origin)
    extract?: boolean; // css (@import)
    module?: boolean; // js (esm) | css
    dynamic?: boolean; // image (srcset) | element (non-void)
    static?: boolean; // Removes URL search params
    remove?: boolean; // Removes element from HTML page
    ignore?: boolean;
    exclude?: boolean; // js | css (ignore + remove)

    attributes?: Record<string, string | null | undefined>;
    rewrite?: false; // Overrides preserveCrossOrigin
    rewrite?: URLData; // Replace certain URL components (e.g. hostname)
    download?: boolean; // Forces processing for unknown types (default is "true" for known types)

    hash?: "md5" | "sha1" | "sha224" | "sha256" | "sha384" | "sha512";
    hash?: "md5[8]" // Will shorten hash to the first 8 characters

    checksum?: string | { algorithm: string; value: string; digest?: string }; // Download URI (default is "sha256")
    checksumOutput?: string | {/* Same */}; // Expected locally transformed result

    incremental?: false | "none" | "staging" | "etag" | "exists"; // Will override parent.incremental
    incremental?: true; // Will override parent.incremental = false

    metadata?: PlainObject; // Custom values passed to transformers
    metadata?: { "__sourcemap__": "inline" }; // System post processing command

    mergeType?: "none" | "over" | "under"; // Used when different selectors target same element

    watch?: boolean | { interval?: number; expires?: string }; // js | css | image

    document?: string | string[]; // Usually "chrome" by framework (override)

    type: "html" | "js" | "css" | "data"; // Script templates
    template: {
        module?: string;
        identifier?: string;
        value?: string;

    type: "text" | "attribute" | "display"; // dynamic is valid only with "text"
    dataSource: {
        source: "uri" | "local" | "export" | "json";
        source: "cloud";
        source: "mariadb" | "mongodb" | "mssql" | "mysql" | "oracle" | "postgres" | "redis";
        postQuery?: string;
        preRender?: string;
        whenEmpty?: string;

    type: "append/js" | "append/css" | "append/<tagName>"; // Includes "prepend"

    type: "replace";
    textContent: string; // Replace element.innerHTML