
File watching is available with copy methods and uses HTTP HEAD requests to determine modifications. You can watch any file served with HTTP including files from another server.

Hot module replacement is only available for <link> and <img> elements. It is disabled by default due to possible conflicts with preloaded JavaScript.

Using JSON config

  "selector": "link",
  "type": "css", // html | js | image
  "watch": {
    "interval": 100, // Time between HTTP requests (ms)
    "interval": "1m",
    "start": "Apr 29, 2024 5:00:00 PM", // Empty is immediate
    "expires": "1w 1d 1h 1m 1s", // Empty is never (includes "start")
    "main": false // Will rebuild the entire bundle
    "id": "watch1", // Resets an existing watch when it is the first active socket
    "reload": true, // Uses server defaults
    /* OR */
    "reload": {
      "socketId": "111-111-111", // Use same id to reload multiple pages
      "port": 80,
      "secure": false, // Requires TLS/SSL key and cert
      "module": false, // "img" and "link" only
      "always": false // Ignore errors
  "process": [

Using copyTo options

squared.copyTo("/local/user/www", {
  watch: true,
  saveAs: {
    script: {
      pathname: "../js",
      process: ["es5", "es5-minify"],
      watch: true
    link: {
      pathname: "css",
      filename: "bundle.css",
      watch: { interval: 500 }

Using JWT authentication

  "watch": {
    "settings": {
      "users": {
        "username": {
          "http://localhost:3000/index.html": { "interval": 100 }, // Order of precedence
          "http://localhost:3000/**/*": {/* Same */},
          "/path/to/project/file": {/* Same */}, // Local
          "/path/to/project/**/*": {/* Same */},
          "image/png": {/* Same */}, // MIME
          "image/*": {/* Same */}
squared.copyTo("/local/user/www", {
  watch: true,
  saveAs: {
    script: { watch: true }


JSON [1]
  data-chrome-watch='{ "interval": 100, "expires": "1w 1d 1h 1m 1s", "reload": { "port": 443, "secure": true } }'>
interval :: expires :: reload
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/common/util.css" data-chrome-watch="1000::1h 30m::111-111-111:8080[module|secure|always]">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/common/util.css" data-chrome-watch="~">
<!-- OR -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/common/util.css" data-chrome-watch="~::~::[secure|always]">


~” can be used between “::” for default server value.

Build Options

useOriginalHtmlPage = true

HTML only has partial watch support since most local modifications will alter the original element index position stored in memory. Inline source <script> and <style> cannot be edited when they are part of a bundle.

Elements that are configured (e.g. dataSource) are not editable as the original request values will be used on a reload.

  "selector": "p",
  "attributes": {
    "class": "active"
Build output
<p class="active">content</p>
Edit source
<p class="inactive" style="display: none;">content</p>
Watch output
<p class="active" style="display: none;">content</p>


If you configure an <img> tag (or any tag group) then you cannot add or remove other <img> elements without adding an element “id” to every element in the group.